Chasity Ramsey Yoga

Practice online with Chasity anytime, anywhere!

Receive unlimited access to Chasity’s FULL library of pre-recorded, yoga & meditation classes that foster mobility work, muscle endurance, fascia tissue release, and radical self-love. Classes range from 15-60 minutes and are organized into levels so you know exactly what to expect!

Chasity Ramsey Yoga
Every month

Take your wellness practice with you wherever you go 💫 Looking forward to practicing with you!




Wow I cannot believe what an easy way to be introduced to yoga! As a 57 year old I’m completely new to this and Chasity made it so easy to follow along in the beginner classes! I am an avid hiker but need more strength and flexibility and after just a couple of classes I already feel more loosened up. What’s really great is that I can use her classes any time that suits my schedule. Oh and wow!!!! The rounded shoulder routine actually helped release a migraine — amazing as I usually have to take an injection and lie down! I am hooked on this gal’s teaching style and class offerings!

-Sue, North Carolina


The classes in the virtual yoga studio provide great practices to either uplift or ground your work week. Chasity's teaching is as playful, as inspiring, and as full of mindfulness as she is! As a student, you'll feel challenged to deepen your practice while feeling taken care of at the same time.

-Gracie, California


Chasity is the best yoga teacher I've ever had. I've practiced with many and what I've come to realize is that she is truly excellent at explaining what a given asana is and how to enter and hold it correctly. I appreciate that she practices without music, which keeps my mind clear.  I love that she always leads class with a reading to inspire. The fact that she brings in weekly and monthly themes to the practice really keeps her classes fresh and challenging. I love her vibe and I could not recommend her more highly!

-Francis, California


Chasity has a fantastic way of connecting with everyone in her classes. I’m always able to relate to her messages in classes. One of my favorite things about Chasity’s classes is how she incorporates spiritual practice with the asana. Chasity has inspired me dive deeper into my own yoga journey. She is an amazing instructor with a beautiful spirit and just by taking her classes you’ll leave feeling lighter and happier!

-Konwalia, California

Do you need yoga props, meditation pillows, weighted blankets, or a yoga mat? I use Gaiam props for all of my classes and personal practices. Their products are natural and organic and the quality is splendid! I am an affiliate for Gaiam so you can browse, or purchase, your yoga needs by heading to and use my discount code NOMADIC for 20% off!


General Disclaimer: By reading this website, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own health decisions. Always consult your physician before beginning any health or movement program. This general information and content is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Content and posts from Chasity Ramsey Yoga and subsequent platforms may never be independently downloaded, re-printed, or redistributed without express written permission of the author/creator. By signing up for Chasity Ramsey Yoga, you understand that yoga includes physical movements as well as an opportunity for relaxation, stress re-education and relief of muscular tension. As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury, even serious or disabling, is always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. If you experience any pain or discomfort, listen to your body and discontinue the activity.. you assume full responsibility for any and all damages, which may incur through participation. Yoga is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Yoga is not recommended and is not safe under certain medical conditions. By signing up, you affirm that a licensed physician has verified your good health and physical condition to participate in such a fitness program. By signing up, you hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that you have now or may have hereafter against teacher Chasity Ramsey and business Chasity Ramsey Yoga.